Caught on camera: Leopard attacks forest guard

A leopard was caught on camera attacking a forest guard in a village in Siliguri in West Bengal. The leopard strayed into Prakash Nagar village from a forest nearby. Residents summoned help. Forest officials tried to tranquilize the leopard who was unnerved by the large crowds that were following him. The leopard injured five people before he was hit by rubber bullets. Local officials say the leopard has been taken back into the forest.
wedding myths When you are taking any portrait try to find a way to get your couple to relax. When the couple is relaxed they will have more fun and their smiles will look much more natural. Often I will tell brides and grooms during their wedding pictures that I need a second to set something up (which is not true). Usually when I tell couples this they will relax and interact with each other which give me a great time to take more candid photos of them. When you are taking these best style pictures go a head and take detail pictures of little moments as the couple will love these. Believe it or not often these little detail pictures are the pictures our bride and groom get printed in large sizes.

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